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You just need to walk into the store to see us; bright, subtle, loud, shy, classic, modern, and everything in between in all sizes. I am not talking about the humans. No, don’t get me wrong, they are great! But we make the universe of The Button Thief Co. store. Otherwise, let’s be honest, it’s just a quirky name. 

Speaking for all of us, we love our job. We get to do really cool things; we are everywhere in the store, taking in the light, embellishing every display, basket, and corner. And we get to be a part of every photoshoot; basically just adding a bit of whimsy to everything around us!


It’s hard not to feel important when the customers regularly ask about our backstories and are fascinated by how we come into existence (for most of us, it does go to our tiny heads). Also, we keep their kids entertained! Now, that is commendable, right?! 

I mean, this may seem quite boastful but we only ever get positive reactions. An aww here and a grin there. I know this all seems like a lot but what can I say, I may be tiny but I like to go big.

In the interest of telling it as it is, we are 100% natural; livin’ that sustainable life. We are either consciously designed, given a new identity to adorn a blouse or we are made in abundance, in all sizes and personalities, to give intent to those leftover fabrics. It’s a nuh-uh to wastage. And all hand-made by our beloved humans at the store.  

It seems like a lot, to be burdened with all this purpose, but really, it’s quite simple for us. And the smiles make it all worth it when we are found in your pocket, or bag, or appreciated on a blouse. Whatever you leave the studio with, you are going to want to leave with us. So come and say hi!

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